The following links point to various guides to assist the complete novice and more advanced ringers.
- A Beginner's guide to church bell ringing
Covering: Safety Considerations, Terminology, Bell handling, Bell Handling Demonstration,
Ringing Rounds, Call changes, Other Methods, Plain Hunt
- Developing Ringing Skills - 25 September 2019
In this section we aim to provide some guidance on the often confusing terms used
and some tools to help with home learning.
We also provide some ideas about how different teaching and learning ideas may help, hinder or delay progress.
- Interactive Method Diagram Demonstration
This section includes a video of how to used the method diagrams where a selection of popular methods can be shown diagrammatically.
Lines can be selected / de-selected, bob / single calls can be selected and methods can be spliced.
- Simplified Interactive Method Diagram Demonstration
This section includes two videos and some accompanying notes on how to use Method Diagrams and the Method Tutor.