Select the 'Number of working bells' (not inluding 'Tenor behind') and the 'Method Name'.
These controls allow you to filter the large number of methods in order to show a more manageable Method List.
Number of working bells
Method Name
Enter the method name, or any part of the name.
Start search with "Enter" key
To show all methods for the number of bells enter "space" then "Enter" key
Information on selecting bell lines, showing the effect of Bob / Single calls and method splicing is available in
Bell Line Selection
The 'blue lines' for each working bell can be selected / de-selected by clicking in the box above the bell place.
Bob / Single calls
If the method has bobs and singles, they are shown at the appropriate calling point before the treble 'lead end',
as boxes to the left of the diagram. The bob box is shown on the far left and is in-line with the 'B' at the top of the diagram.
The single box is shown on the near left and is in-line with the 'S' at the top of the diagram.
Click on the Bob or Single box to select it and to see the effect on the 'blue line'.
Click on a selected Bob or Single box to remove it and to restore the method to its previous state.
Note that if a click occurs before later changes or spliced methods, these will be removed.
Method Splicing
Once the first method has been chosen, identified by the letter 'A' on the method diagram
and also in the ID column of the 'Selected methods' table above, further methods can be spliced
at the Lead Head of an existing method by clicking inside the faint grey circles to the right of the method diagram
which indicates where the splice can be made.
Initially the circle wil be filled with dark green and a new method can be specified using the user interface,
or an existing method can be chosen by clicking on the link on the ID of the 'Selected methods' table above.
If a method / bob / single combination is selected which already exists, it will be identified by the same ID.
Clicking on a spliced method ID circle on the method diagram, removes the splice.
When a complex composition is in progress, it might be useful to copy the
URL of selected method(s) into your paste buffer from time to time and then to open a new tab or window,
paste the URL into the address box, to reveal a copy of your composition to date, which you can then continue to develop.
Touch ID
URL of selected method(s)
The URL shown below has been automatically copied to the system clipboard (paste buffer).
This can be pasted to any required destination by holding down the "Ctrl" key and typing V
in a Microsoft Windows system.
This can be useful when a method has been selected for a practice when the URL can be sent to the team,
or when composing a touch.
Repeated changes
Touches will be considered false if they contain repeating rows in less than a full extent of the changes possible
on the number of bells being rung. A full extent for a given number of bells is 1*2*3*4*5 etc.
up to the number of bells (5 bells =120, 6 bells = 720, 7 bells = 5040 etc.)
The 7 bell extent is also known as a full peal whilst on higher numbers
a full peal is considered to be anything over 5000 rows with no repeats.
Touches may of course be shorter than a full extent but should never contain repeating rows..
The table below shows the repeating row numbers (if any) which are also marked on the diagram in red.
First row number
Bell places
Repeated row number
Bell places
Please report any problems with methods shown on this page to This is currently work in progress as it has not been possible to exhaustively test all aspects, but it has reached an advance stage.
These method collections are the copyright of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.
You are welcome to make copies of the material for your own use.
You may distribute copies to others provided that you do not do so for profit and provided that you include this copyright statement.
If you modify the material before distributing it, you must include a clear notice that the material has been modified.
Note that whilst the data has not been altered from the CCCBR collection, the format has been changed to suit the software used by this site.