Select the 'Number of bells' and enter the 'Method Name' followed by the return or 'Enter' key.
A lead end is shown as a dark grey horizontal line.
Number of bells
Hunt bells
For more than one hunt bell use the format "1, 2"
Treble action
Method name
Please specify both the 'Number of bells' and the 'Method name'
The number of place changes must be equal to the number of row changes.
The projected path cannot occupy the same place as the treble, or itself in another lead.
When the method creation is complete, select an existing bob from the list below.
If a new bob / single is required, this can be created separately
using Create Bob / Single
Current bob / single library
When the method creation is complete, select an existing single from the list.
If a new single is required, this can be created separately
using Create Bob / Single
Current bob / single library
Select the line to be defined by clicking in the box above the bell place.
Position the cursor into the method diagram area and note the one or two construction lines
which appear and will show the track of a plain hunt, either up or down.
The other option is to stay in place. Note that this is for guidance only and does not imply a valid final place.
Move the cursor to the point where you want the turning point of the blue line, then left click.
If there is a conflict with another bell, or the number of place changes does not equal the number of row changes,
an audible warning will be sounded and a message in red will appear to the right of the method diagram.
If you have selected any incorrect turning points, one of the delete keys can be used until you return to the correct part,
when you can continue with the blue line.
Generated method code
Click on this link to insert the method code into your e-mail client.
Alterntively please copy the code below and paste it into an e-mail and send to and I will update the method library.